Home Secretary prepares to introduce 'anti-social behaviour order' for extremists and strip dual nationals of their citizenship

Theresa May says government must stop Britons travelling to fight in Syria and Iraq
Theresa May will announce a three-point plan to counter British Muslim extremists as she warns that the security threat to Britain from jihadists will continue for decades.
In an article for The Telegraph, the Home Secretary says she is preparing to bring in new laws that include an “anti-social behaviour order” for extremists. The measures are aimed at curtailing the activities of radical preachers, such as Anjem Choudary, whose extreme rhetoric currently does not constitute a crime.
While details are yet to emerge, the new power will be designed to restrict extremists’ behaviour and language. As with an Asbo, it could result in a criminal conviction carrying a jail term if breached.
Mrs May also discloses that she will make it illegal to join extremist groups that preach violent views, but are not directly involved in terrorism. Currently, the threshold for banning membership of organisations, such as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil), requires the Home Secretary to prove that the group is directly involved in terrorist acts.
The new power could target Islamist political organisations and other Muslim groups that tacitly support extremism. In addition, state-funded organisations such as councils and schools will be given a new legal obligation to combat extremists. “We are in the middle of a generational struggle against a deadly extremist ideology,” Mrs May says.
“We will be engaged in this struggle for many years, probably decades. We must give ourselves all the legal powers we need to prevail.
“I am looking again at the case for new banning orders for extremist groups that fall short of the legal threshold for terrorist proscription, as well as for new civil powers to target extremists who seek to radicalise others.” Her intervention follows worldwide revulsion at the filmed killing of James Foley, a US journalist, by a man believed to be a British jihadist fighting with Isil.
Yesterday the Government was facing mounting criticism over its anti-terrorism laws, which critics say are failing to prevent young British men and women going abroad to fight as jihadists.
In other developments:
Lord Howard, the former Conservative leader, led calls for the reinstatement of controversial “control orders” that restrict the movement of terrorist suspects. The former home secretary said they were necessary for the “safety of our country”. Two independent anti-terrorism legislation advisers also backed demands for tougher laws to tackle the threat.
 Philip Hammond, the Foreign Secretary, ruled out working with Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian regime to defeat Isil terrorists. Mr Hammond said such an alliance with a dictator who has used chemical weapons against his own people would be “poisonous”.
• The White House gave the strongest indication yet that President Barack Obama is considering authorising air strikes against Isil targets inside Syria. A security spokesman said the US was “not going to be restricted by borders”.
• Mr Foley’s family said that they believed he had volunteered to be the first hostage killed, as the FBI said that they were close to identifying his British killer.
• Pope Francis made a phone call to the Foley family in which the Pontiff expressed his condolences.
In her article, Mrs May discloses for the first time that since 2010, the Government has banned more than 150 foreign individuals from entering the UK, including foreign “hate preachers”.
She also reveals that this year alone 28,000 pieces of terrorist material have been removed from the Internet at the behest of the Government. She adds: “The cowardly murder this week of James Foley, a man who was working to highlight the suffering of the Syrian people to the world, has demonstrated once again the very deadly threat we face from terrorism at home and abroad.”
Mrs May’s announcement came as senior figures called for the return of Control orders, which were used to monitor terrorist suspects before being replaced in 2011 by the watered-down Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures (Tpims).
Control orders were introduced in 2005 and allowed terrorism suspects who had not been convicted to be tagged and ordered to report to police.
Judges could order suspects to be relocated to a town far from their home, impose 16-hour curfews and ban them from meeting named individuals, using mobile phones or accessing the Internet.
Under Tpims the restrictions are weaker. Suspects are electronically tagged, must report to the police, and are prevented from travelling overseas. They are subject to 10-hour curfews overnight, but are allowed limited access to mobile phones and the internet. The measures expire after two years without new evidence.
Lord Howard, who served as home secretary under Sir John Major, told The Daily Telegraph: “I don’t think control orders should ever have been got rid of. I think it’s fairly well known that it was at the insistence of the Liberal Democrats. I think that there is a strong case for having control orders.
“They imposed greater restrictions on the movements of people who were considered to be a threat to the safety of our country.”
David Anderson QC, Britain’s reviewer of terrorism legislation, called for the current system to be tightened up to limit people’s movements and place restrictions on how they can meet.
Lord Carlile of Berriew QC, a deputy High Court judge who served as the Government’s independent reviewer of terrorism legislation from 2001 to 2011, also called for the orders to be reintroduced. He said: “One has to remember how difficult and expensive surveillance is. It’s a word that drops off the tongue easily, but it involves a very complex set of operations and a large number of people.”
Mrs May’s announcement comes after the Foreign Secretary ruled out cooperating with the Assad regime in order to battle Isil in Syria and Iraq.
Philip Hammond was responding to calls from Gen Lord Dannatt, the former head of the Army, who suggested that Britain must liaise with Bashaar al-Assad’s government on the basis that “my enemies’ enemy is my friend”.
However, Mr Hammond has ruled out an alliance with the Syrian regime because it would “poison” Britain’s relationship with moderate Sunnis.
He told BBC Radio 4’s World At One: “I have said very often that one of the first things you learn is that my enemies’ enemy is not my friend.
“We may very well find that we are aligned against a common enemy but it would poison what we’re trying to achieve in separating moderate Sunni opinion from the poisonous ideology of Isil if we were to align ourselves with Assad.”
Mr Hammond, however, ruled out putting boots on the ground in the Middle East in an attempt to tackle Isil.
It comes as a YouGov poll suggested the British public’s views on joining the US in air raids against the terrorist group have hardened, with more people in favour of strikes on Isil following the murder of Mr Foley.


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