Century's Greatest Yet: The first solar eclipse of the centuryCentury's Greatest Yet: The first solar eclipse of the century

In the Hebrides the sun was practically invisible as the Isle of Lewis experienced a 98 per cent eclipse  Skies began to darken as the Moon started moving between earth and sun from around 8.30am The eclipse peaked at around 9.30am across vast swathes of the country and will end at 10.30am But a bl…

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Today's Solar Eclipse: Solar eclipse watchers hoped for clear skies ahead of event Today's Solar Eclipse: Solar eclipse watchers hoped for clear skies ahead of event

Beyond the natural phenomenon, is there a spiritual angle to it, in view of the recent happenings in the world? Leave your comments after reading. Here are 13 Updates Solar eclipse watchers hope for clear skies ahead of event The near-total solar eclipse is expected to bring out hundreds of sky-wat…

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