Dr Rima Liabow talks about Nano-Silver Drug a cure for Ebola
Rima E. Laibow, MD Med. Dir., Dr. Rima Institute Trustee, Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org .Rima says ''its not true that Ebola does not have cure'' she also added that, Infact there is well known, well characterized nutrient that is called Nano-Silver. It is non toxic, it does not require refrigeration, inexpensive, self sterilizing and can be giving to every member of a community from 10yrs old baby or pregnant woman...watch video below to listen more..
"The panel, which comprised 12 advisers to the WHO from 10 different countries, was convened Monday in response to alarm over the use of the untested drug, ZMapp, to treat two American workers diagnosed with the deadly virus." --Some may assume I'm talking out of my hat on this one, but common sense just can't be avoided here. That being said, I have to ask why do you suppose they came up with ZMapp, or this "secret serum" so quickly? You guessed it.. common sense and fear of lost profits. They no doubt got wind of all the videos, blogs, and websites all over the Internet showing how Nano Silver can easily heal Ebola and any other pathogen known to man without side effects. (See my video on this here) So, using common sense, it appears obvious to me that they are using Nano Silver under the guise of a secret serum newly tagged 'ZMapp' so as to prevent a global awakening of just how effective Colloidal Silver really is. Viable gray matter dictates the reality that if they dragged their feet on this one literally hundreds of millions would have eventually found out about the Silver cure and started the "secret serum" at home. That would eventually cause the WHO and all their medical affiliates around the world hundreds of billions in profits monthly if the truth spread worldwide. So.. they can now prevent all that by merely stating they have a cure on hand. And as usual, their con job making all think the real doctors that use CS are still the quacks and it will lead most to again trust the AMA and anyone else involved in this world wide scam. How do I know this to be the case. Besides using common sense. Scientific fact is, there is no known cure on planet earth for any pathogen other than Nano Silver. This is why at first they tagged their "cure" a "secret serum." They simply can't allow the world to know they are the actual quacks who are moved by profit over and above their so called Hippocratic oath to help their fellow man. And NO, I am not saying all doctors are like this. Those that push these "sorceries" as Revelation 18:23 predicted would do so for Rome are. But the rest are rather blessed when it comes to wisdom. | |
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