The wife of my Senior Pastor, Bolatumi Olasite has even taken the discourse deeper. She approaches the issue from the altar. I bless God for insightful leaders like this. Pls, read her approach. MAYBE WE CAN GRADUALLY "PROVOKE OURSELVES" UNTO GOOD WORKS, afterall:
Bolatumi Olasite wrote:
A piece like that of Pastor Ezekiel I. Fagoroye is uncommon on fb,since l read it,l've been asking myself questions.Truth is we have made a mockery of our faith so much that we have to repent and cry for mercy. Much of these corrections however must begin with the Shepherd who have turned the altars of GOD to altars of lies, deceits,hypocrisies,pride,arrogance and boastings
We have substituted CHARACTER for charisma,SELFLESS SERVICE for evil ambition,GODLY WISDOM for cunning wisdom,INSPIRATION MESSAGES from THE HOLY SPIRIT for motivational and business talks.
Greek gifts are the order of the day,bribery and corruption has eaten deep into our system, no wonder The Ministry of Pastoring is no more different from the secular ministry,the operational standard of governance in church is in every way like that of Nigerian governance---'Do or Die' type ( if l cant beat them,l join them,if l can't get it in a Godly way,then l buy at all/any cost)
Sheep no more have safe pen(church) to lie in,pastures have become contaminated and dried up so souls are famished and malnourished thereby causing spiritual kwashiorkor in the church (even though we are growing in all other areas of life,we are spiritually dead).
We have a form of Godliness but we deny the power,we have a reputation of being alive,but we are actually is time to return to our first.
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  • 6 people like this.
  • Ebere Samuel The silence over these years is more painful than these sinful acts. May this painful cry awaken us truly and not become one of those Facebook posts that draw more words than action on the part of the readers. Pray along as TMG Foundation, begins campaign against tribalism in the church. It's coming soon.
    4 hrs · Like · 2
  • Odesola James Idowu Hmmnnn. I thank God for PST Fagoroye. I bless God for those that have contributed thus far. I am most grateful for the contribution of Sis Olasite. Whenever I come across people that still have passion for the Church, I rejoice. I rejoice in the fact that we still have a remnant that know what the expectation of Christ is concerning His Church. Come to think of it, Christ did not leave us in the dark about the end time. In Rev 3:1, He said "... I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead". Is that not a vivid description of the 21st century Church than the Church in Sardis that the letter was originally addressed. Many of the things that are being celebrated in Churches today are annoying God. Or definition of success in the ministry is faulty. The reward system in the church is another thing entirely. To be successful is to build a big Cathedral even if you are not building men. Those that claim they are raising disciples are raising loyalists to themselves, not Christ, as if they are the one that died for the people. Like sis Olasite observed, if you preach the truth nowadays instead of motivational talks, you are not anointed.
    So, like the Church in Sardis, to the physical eyes, most churches are alive. They host big programmes: deliverance services, couples get-together, love feasts and other programmes where they will wine and dine,the Church will be packed full. But how many of them attend bible studies, evangelism and other outreaches targeted towards soul winning? But the Pastor of these Churches are popular. Only spiritual eyes could see that most of these churches are dead.
    My concern is the men and women in such congregations. Where is their Pastor leading them to. Oh, Lord Jesus, don't let your blood for these people be in vain
    3 hrs · Like · 1
  • Toyin Olaoye I remembered some times ago before i got married,i was living in Ibadan then. We were always busy doing Gods work and there is no day we dont go to church and the church use to be full. It was there i cultivated the act of using sermon notes because our Pastor always preach as if he is giving lectures and we all enjoy writing notes. We are always exited going to church and our mind is always ocupied with the things of God and no time for ungoldly act.The love in the church then was genuine because we care for each other. But when i got down to Lagos here,i found out it was different from where i was brought up because people hadly come for bible study and the faith clinic service is always empty. And at times u hadly see brethern wit sermon note and most of the members are always sleeping. Most of our Pastors dont have zeal for the sheep because it is only on sunday they come to church. This really quench my thirst for God because i found out that most of our love are fake. And people are after posts in the church nowadays and if Jesus should come today,i wonder how many people will go with him. As for me i have made up my mind not to look at anybody but to do my best in His work.

  • Ojo Israel Oladosu Men and women of God you have all spoken well. Each time i tuned on my TV set and see magicians displaying thier magical power in the name of deliverance and miracles or you go to church hoping to hear message that will rejuvenate your heart but instead is another things entirely my heart bleed. The unfortunate thing is that some who started well has also abandoned their focus to join the race. Message of repentance, restitution holiness are no longer there, if you preach it you are considered a pastor without fire in you. That reminds of the day i was asked to lead a congregation in prayer for church and i sang"GIVE ME THAT OLD TIME RELIGION" i was considered an outdate pastor singing this song @ this age that the man incharge after taking the microphone said what we need now is not old time religion. I went to my seat sad but immediately i was comforted with the word of God in Luke 18:8. Sir and ma. This is the time for us to arise in our prayer so that the very elect will not be decieved Mark13:22 and the little we can do as much as we have the opportunity let us try our best. MARANATHA.


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