My pain, crying and even Lamentations, is not out of hopelessness but in an unwavering confidence in that which The Lord has spoken, concerning my country, Nigeria.

May God help us to do our bit of what it will take to build a new Nigeria, where people of different ethnic groups have learned to truly accept one another as fellow countrymen and women. Amen.

There are too many things that can keep a Nigerian hating people of one ethnic group or the other. We have too many stories, told by our supposed elder-statesmen and women, our parents and relations, which if given the space will result to distrust, hate, anger, injustice and several other unhealthy feelings. Knowing that no story or history is complete in themselves because there are several vital elements that usually get mixed up with personal interests and bias, there is need for caution.
This is why it is said that, history is not what happened but what is told. The history we have is what we were told. Looking back today, sometimes I wonder what the history being peddled around in this country seek to achieve apart from breeding hate and distrust tribe against tribe in Nigeria. There seem to be a coordinated attempt to ensure that people of different ethnic groups in Nigeria don't ever get to accept one another as fellow countrymen and women.
So, there is this fight, tribe against tribe, to be 'above'. Sadly, it has left everyone at a very sorry state, a mockery to the whole world. With so much potentials we remain at crossroads over even the most elementary aspect of nation building. This is what we have done and are still doing to ourselves through our 'undying resolve' to keep our minds narrow to our tribes. Nigerians find it very easy to accept and help people of other countries than people of their own country but who are of a different tribe from theirs. When a country is made of people who think more of their ethnic groups than their country, engaging in the most unhealthy competitiveness, tribe against tribe, holding too strongly to prejudices and refusing to see need to build a little trust among themselves, defending people of their own tribes, even when it is obvious to every 'cat and dog' that they are dead wrong and denying their country the loyalty and allegiance she deserves, then what we have today as Nigeria will be the result. In fact, we are lucky that it is not worse than what we have!
May people who can pray please do ask God to have mercy. It is so sad that, the people we have all looked up to are the ones fanning this flame of tribalism in Nigeria. Their faces show unbiased love for every Nigerian but when things get to the 'corners', they show their true color; Allowing tribal sentiments to becloud their sense of judgement. It's such a big SHAME!
When you listen to them speak, your hope for a new nation built on the foundations of true justice and equity rises to the high heavens. But, when you see what they do and are doing behind the scenes, the things they encourage, turn blind eyes over and pretend about, your hope will take more than a millennium to recover from total collapse. The hypocrisy is just too amazing and unbelievable! I have seen these things and am still shocked that some people could live with such twisted ability to live such a life and even claim to know God, more than others.
Can Nigeria come out and be free from the chains of tribalism? Is there something that can and should be done to help her through this process? Nigeria is bleeding but she is CRYING FOR HELP. What do you suggest we should do and what would you do?
"Tribalism reflects strong ethnic or cultural identities that separate members of one group from another, making them loyal to people like them and suspicious of outsiders."
“Tribalism undermines efforts to forge common cause across groups. Tribalism may also refer to a way of thinking or behaving in which people are more loyal to their tribe than to their friends, their country, or any other social group. ITS WORK IS TO, "KEEP PEOPLE PERPETUALLY DISUNITED AND AT WAR WITH ONE ANOTHER." Tribal loyalties/allegiances give rise to the case where “the good of the nation is not sought first, but rather watching to ensure that one’s tribe has the upper hand.”


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