#14 World Aquatics Championship Marvell
What is the best place to take an amazing photo? Underwater, of course! A photographer decided to use this technique during the World Aquatics Championship last year, and dived into the pool with his camera. You can see the result below. Isn't it amazing? This looks like a picture form an epic graphic novel!
Read more at http://news.nster.com/740-most-shocking-images-of-2013.html#Fwdf84KTtVq0ztJB.99

#13 Some Things Just Can't Be Destroyed
The city of Moore in Oklahoma, USA was struck by a tornado on May 20, 2013. This disaster caused much destruction to many buildings, taking the lives of 23 people with it. This picture was taken after everything went quiet. Nature can destroy many things, but love is not among them, that's for sure.

Image source: 3.bp.blogspot.com
Read more at http://news.nster.com/740-most-shocking-images-of-2013.html?b=1#q7zEfalbK8uhjJ88.99
#12 Cleaning the Huang He River
This looks like a huge thunderstorm, but it's not, actually. Some rivers like Huang He River in China require annual cleaning. Well, there was a good reason to call it the Yellow River after all.

Image source: img.pr0gramm.com
Read more at http://news.nster.com/740-most-shocking-images-of-2013.html?b=2#KfcZPkbgQI8bPp3H.99
#11 Sinister Skies During a Baseball Game
Most people go to baseball games to see the game itself, but you never know what else can be expected. Sometimes the surrounding atmosphere can be more impressive that the match itself. Just look at these crimson skies!

Image source: livedoor.blogimg.jp
Read more at http://news.nster.com/740-most-shocking-images-of-2013.html?b=3#lIPri6GrVhliErHG.99
#9 Belgium October Riots
Belgium experienced a number of demonstrations on its territory last year. Local police was used to keep peace during the protests, and eventually got covered in special foam, used for controlling the crowds.

Image source: www.ideal.es
#8 Viral Photo from North Korea
This country is considered to be closed to the majority of people, including officials and journalists as well. Taking this into consideration you can imagine the excitement surrounding the following photo.

Image source: images.khabaronline.ir
Read more at http://news.nster.com/740-most-shocking-images-of-2013.html?b=6#sothA6KVWLmjI8m1.99
#7 Catching the Biggest Wave Ever in Portugal
Can you spot the surfer on this photo? Look closely and you'll see a tiny man riding a giant wave. So what exactly brought Carlos Burle to perform this unbelievable stunt?He actually attempted to break the Guinness World Record by catching and ridding the biggest wave ever. Good news is that he succeeded after all.

Image source: static.tva.ca
Read more at http://news.nster.com/740-most-shocking-images-of-2013.html?b=7#cj7OwULgDftj887f.99
#6 Waiting for the New Catholic Leader
In 2013, Vatican City introduced the new Pope - Francis, who has a great support by Catholics from all over the world. The following picture was taken on the day of his election, when thousands of people gathered to welcome him.

Image source: 1.bp.blogspot.com
Read more at http://news.nster.com/740-most-shocking-images-of-2013.html?b=8#0fURmt8s00qePWqA.99
#5 A Boy and His Dog
News is always full of stories about pets rescuing their masters. This time we've got the opposite situation: this boy saved his dog's life during massive flooding in Manila, the capital of the Philippines back in November, 2013. True friends are friends forever!

Image source: i.huffpost.com
Read more at http://news.nster.com/740-most-shocking-images-of-2013.html?b=9#JrUW3fY9qFeo5DT0.99
#4 The Power of Lightning
Lightning can be truly impressive, and the following picture serves as a perfect example to that. The photographer has managed to take a photo exactly the same moment the lightning hit the river. If you are planning to visit France, you might see something similar yourself in Angel Bay, Nice.

Image source: tpic.home.news.cn
Read more at http://news.nster.com/740-most-shocking-images-of-2013.html?b=10#3Ij6fT7ACvg3fVgZ.99
#3 Christ, the Redeemer and the Full Moon
This statue doesn't require any special introduction, as it's one of the most famous attractions located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Being a perfect example of Art Deco style, it looks more than impressive under the full moon.
Image source: jto.s3.amazonaws.com
Read more at http://news.nster.com/740-most-shocking-images-of-2013.html?b=11#9BBisvMd6TMDC21x.99

#2 Beautiful Union of Hibiscus Flower and Volcano Ash
No, this picture wasn't photoshopped in any particular way. It's a real photo of a real hibiscus flower taken in Sumatra Island, Indonesia. The secret behind it is tied with Sinabung volcano eruption, which covered the surrounding area with dust and ashes.
Image source: blogs.ft.com
Read more at http://news.nster.com/740-most-shocking-images-of-2013.html?b=12#P4BZ043byKcMLfty.99

#1 The Land of Skyscrapers
Recife is one of the biggest metropolitan area in Brazil, and is literally filled with skyscrapers. Do you see those black stripes on the picture below? These are actually shadows of the skyscrapers themselves! Seems like it's really hard to find sunny spot to play soccer there.

Image source: as01.epimg.net
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