Humans and our weaknesses. It won't stop anyway. I believe in praying and doing something, in line with my prayers. But when I pray and act or develop a mindset, temperament, belief-chain that holds down the hands of the One who will answer my prayers, what have I achieved, with all my good actions? We should NEVER make the mistake of ignoring the place and role of the Almighty God in all that we seek to accomplish. IF WE DO, THEN WHO TAKES THE GLORY AT THE END OF THE DAY?Be careful lest you trivialize the eternal consequences of your own actions because you focused on other peoples' wrongs. Though, YES, they are DEAD WRONG! It is better to 'Fail' in that which will ultimately succeed that to 'Succeed' in that which will ultimately fail. We all have made our mistakes and failed in several ways and will still fail in some, again and again. We all have our personal weaknesses which the people who love kindly chose to cover. So, let us spare a little milk of kindness for other human beings irrespective of our differences. Life is bigger than we imagine and longer than we have experienced. Our impact is wider than our focus and will lasts longer than our present. Chose to read your history today so that you can do the best editing possible before historians do it for you when you have no power to explain 'CERTAIN THINGS'. Better pray the more for Nigeria and act like someone who just prayed. And, mind you, Nigeria is human beings and not the map. Please, we are all in pains, from one act of wickedness, injustice, failure and so on or the other. Allow your heart to forgive, cry over those things over which you find very difficult to let go and ask God for mercy and help. We all need it.                                                                Join Us: People of different ethnic groups who live in this geographical space called Nigeria need to learn to truly accept one another as fellow countrymen and women.  Facebook: Movement Against Tribalism in Nigeria and Facebook: For a Truly Great Nigeria (The Millennium Gold Foundation)


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